We always grow an interesting range of one and two year old shrubs, at the last count we had over 60 species of shrubs, a lot of them flowering evergreens. Most are grown by us at our local nursery, however, a few are sourced from carefully selected outside growers. They are all fully acclimatised to North East weather conditions before they are offered for sale. All are sold with full colour label and growing instructions. Again, our prices are around half that of garden centres.
We know how hard it is to source and buy good quality well grown herbs. We have put together a collection of the more popular herbs plus a few hard to find varieties. Most in 9 cm pots at only £1.00 a pot. There are also some nice 2ltr pots available. All the subjects for an easy to make herb garden.
Most gardens can accommodate a climber or two. It may be to cover an old shed or run the length of a fence. Why not plant one next to an existing tree, large shrub or hedge and let it run through their branches and extend flowering by many weeks.
With it being so simple to grow, Clematis Montana is our most popular climber. We back it up with the large flowering Hybrids such as Nelly Moser and the President. The beautifully scented Honeysuckle and Jasmine, Climbing Hydrangea, Wisteria Russian Vine, Everlasting Sweet Pea and Ivy usually available at the stall. All vigorous two year old plants with colour label and planting instructions most at only £5.00 each.
Herbaceous Perennials
We grow a very comprehensive range of Hardy Perennials. From the delicate little Alpine plants to the large Lupines and Delphiniums etc. Young plants are grown and sold in 9cm pots priced at only £1.00 each or any six of your choice only £5.00. They will all flower this year. For the instant garden makeover we grow a good range for one or two years to sell as mature ready to flower plants in a 2ltr pot.
There are special offers on these plants throughout the year, see the stall for details.
Under this heading we include all of the usual bulbs, tubers and corms. Most are sold as loose bulbs ready to plant out. We also sell bulbs in pots ready planted and ready to flower. Tete-a-tete has been our most popular bulb for many years, only six inches tall with a perfectly formed lightly scented flower. Dahlia, Gladioli, Iris, Lilies, Snowdrop, Tulips and Narcissus all available in season.
Help and advice is readily available at the stall.